StarCarpet Soil Amendment Info for a StarCarpet® yard.
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Here’s some information that is helpful with preparing your existing or future lawn from StarCarpetLV. To avoid any confusion, when it comes to irrigation systems, you only need to do a “drip” system if you’re applying for the SNWA OR YOUR LOCAL WATER AUTHORITY REBATE. If you have a good sprinkler system in place, it’s not always cost feasible to rip out what works and start over. The differences in both irrigation systems can be found as well on our website under:
Sprinkler vs Drip System Comparison
Nevada soil is famous for being horrible. Whereas California you're more likely to have a strong start from the beginning and most likely will have less work. Certainly, there are parts around the Vegas Valley that are better than others. But for the most part, unless the soil has been properly amended before, it’s most likely sub-par and we suggest removing it PRIOR to starting your new lawn. Even if you’ve had existing grass or similar ground cover, our suggestion is to remove it. Whether it’s you, your landscaper, or contractor, here’s a quick checklist.
1. We suggest removing 6” of soil. Regardless if you intend to lay ‘Dwarf Carpet of Stars’ like sod, or want to use the “plugging” method. Set yourself up with success by starting over. Once 6” is removed, verify that significant roots are not in the way.
2. Flow water in the area you just removed. Flood the area and see if the water banks down. The water should sink in the soil proving that you have adequate drainage. If it does not, you would want to figure out why. Is it clay, sand, trash, cement, caliche, limestone, or crushed gravel? Could be anything! Either way, you could address the problem now. Usually a simple pic or shovel to the soil will show you the problem.
3. Assuming your water curtain sinks, you’re good to move forward. Determine which irrigation style you are using. Because the soil is removed, it’s pretty simple to build the irrigation system without the dirt in your way. Proper irrigation and proper drainage is key! Remember, you only need to do a “drip” system if you’re applying for the WATER AUTHORITY REBATE. If you are not, then it’s completely your choice. This is when you decide on how you want to irrigate your new lawn. Advantages and disadvantages are on there as well. As listed above, more information can be found on our website under:
Sprinkler vs Drip System Comparison
4. Ok, so moving forward. Design and build the irrigation system and then add the amended soil that we recommend. It’s not our soil. It’s a mix of different soils combined and we recommend purchasing it from Star Nursery. We say this because we’ve used the soil enough to compare it against other companies out here, and we have had consistent results with Star Nursery. Once you determine the square footage, we can assist you with obtaining the soil if necessary. However regardless of the company that sells soil, EVERYONE who sells soil knows what it means to have proper drainage, or even a sandy solution because they are quite the same. This is not an exact science since every yard is not exactly alike. Obtain a soil combination that provides adequate drainage and if you decide not to move forward with StarCarpet®, you can virtually plant anything in it, and it will thrive! Most everything you can think of to plant benefits from proper drainage.
5. When adding the amended soil, if you plan to lay like sod, you will refill 5” of soil; allowing for the installation of sod to take up the gap. This also allows you to have some extra while laying the flats to use on borders and on the seams. If you plan on “plugging” you would refill all 6”. If you do have remaining soil, it works great in planters and could virtually be used anywhere else in the yard.
6. Keep seams tight on flats if you’re laying like sod, and use remaining soil to fill the seams. If you’re “plugging”, be sure to fill any void with soil when you plant the sprout or pod in the soil. Basically, that just means be sure the roots are surrounded with soil and not a void of air. Regardless of any product, that is the number one problem. When something is planted and the roots aren’t surrounded by the soil. That’s easily fixed by wetting down the soil so it’s easy to dig it out and refill.
7. Regardless of laying the flats like sod, or using the “plugging” method, be sure to keep newly planted area damp for 30 days. This does not mean soaked! It means damp. That sets you up for success! After the 30-45 days is when you start to change the frequency and duration. With time, you water longer with less frequency as you obtain your drought-tolerant grass alternative. Because the roots will go down, it’s natural that you can water less because sub surface soil will tend to keep more moisture than the topsoil. And because you properly prepped and amended your soil, you can enjoy the results of the Best Living, Drought-Tolerant Grass Alternative in California and Nevada from StarCarpet! ‘Dwarf Carpet of Stars’ (Ruschia Nana’)
Obtain your StarCarpet® yard and have the envy of your neighbors!
THANKS FOR READING! Here are some helpful links from us at StarCarpet.
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Sprinklers vs Drip System
StarCarpet FAQ’s
StarCarpetLV “Plugs” Info & Gallery
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Dwarf Carpet of Stars Las Vegas, NV Ruschia ‘Nana’ Las Vegas, NV and proudly serving Southern California!